About Us

Blessings To You

Hey everyone, and Blessings to you all.

My name is Tammy, I am of course the owner of Ladaitt. 

I bet your thinking.. What is "LADAITT"?  Well, I like to let you know, that LADAITT is in the bible. It is also my favorite scripture. Proverbs 18:21 It's an anagram Life And Death Are In The Tongue.

I started this company, because I actually heard the calling.

A long time ago, I was definitely NOT a Christian. In fact I was raised in a cult religion, that didn't believe in following Jesus, even though, they claimed to. When I was younger, we would go knocking on doors to "SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM". I Loved God, and Jesus, I enjoyed it..But I knew something was off. Something kept telling me. 

All my life I have been lost. I knew God was there, but how do I get to him. He has spoken to me all my life, and I didn't realize..

I had a horrible childhood. I hated life. I got into fights in school, I enjoyed hurting people.

I got hooked on drugs, had 2 great kids, got divorced... Rehab was the just the start. When clean and sober, I became a welder. Went to commercial diving school. Became an underwater construction worker. Met a man, got married. Meanwhile I am still broken. And so is my new husband.

A few years ago, going through a rough marriage... I hit rock bottom. No I didn't start using drugs. But my life was in a downhill spiral. 

I was crying, and crying... It was so bad, I fainted at work.. It was a Wednesday in Sept 2019

That night, still crying... I WAS SO DONE!!! I didn't want to live this life anymore. I knew there was a God. But where is he. I knew God was what I needed.

I looked out my window at the little church across the street. And I heard a voice. A really LOUD voice... GO!!!!

So I went, I seen a car there, and went inside. The cleaning lady was there. I just totally lost it. Crying to this stranger. She told me to come to church this next Sunday. I didn't even think twice.

I went to church.. I looked rough. Like I was homeless. Hair hanging down, hat covering my face... And I actually kinda was. We own our home, I lived in my home..but I needed Gods home. I was so broken..broken beyond repair. the family there, oh so humble and so loving, caring.. I felt so welcome. I went every Sunday for over a month. Listening to the pastor.. I WANTED WHAT HE HAS!!!

I did as they suggested. Something simple. I woke up every morning, no matter what, saying.."Good Morning Jesus, I Love you Jesus".

I started feeing better, I wanted to really know who Jesus is. I got into his word. Reading His word every morning when I woke, everynight before I closed my eyes to sleep.

He was healing my brokeness. And I could feel it. And I LOVED it. I loved what he was doing and changing how I was thinking. 

That Oct, a little over a month later from faiting at work, I gave my life to Jesus, then I was baptized in His Holy Spirit. I LOVED MY LIFE!!

Now, I need to honor Jesus and what he did for me. I need to be like him... HOW?  I kept asking God, and telling Him, that I was His servant. And I am here to serve Him.

I have always had quirky little sayings, sometimes funny ones. BUT  Feb 2020 was different.  I heard.."God Will Let You Fall, Until You Let HIM Have It ALL".   I shared that saying all the time. I didn't know what I was to do with it, but share it.

That saying never left my head. Why God, Why is this one so important?

A few months later while on social media, there was a meme.. I can't remember what is was about. But I said.."God doesn't tell you to put on the armor of God to bake a cake".  SHE LOVED IT!! Said if I ever made that into a t-shirt, she wants pink and purple.

That's how this started.

I am still an active member of our little church. Then last year, God rewarded my faith.. My husband started going to church too. God restored our marriage.

God Blessed me with a way to share His sayings with the world. It's also a way for YOU to share Him to others as well.

May God Bless You. He's waiting to Bless You. What are you waiting for?